
 Easter services poster

Our doors are open to our congregation and community and services are taking place throughout the Ryburn Benefice of churches. We look forward to welcoming you into our churches, and ask that you continue to observe all current Covid safe guidelines while in our church buildings.  Under current guidance, we cannot greet each other with a handshake or hug while sharing The Peace, or take the wine from a shared chalice at communion.  We can, however,  share God’s Word and Love with each other, and trust you understand the need to introduce these measures to continue to keep everyone safe and well.
We have a Sunday worship service with Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month commencing at 11.30am, with additional special services as advertised in the News section.

Occasionally Joint Benefice Services are held at one of the other churches in the Benefice but this will be published in the News section.

There are occasional weekday services at special times in the church’s year (for example Maundy Thursday). These are also advertised in the News section.